Board level circuit protection products.
World Products also has an extensive offering of Antennas, both Custom and Standard antennas. The Wireless Business Unit at WPI develops and manufactures antenna solutions serving the Machine to Machine (M2M) markets such as AMI/AMR Smart-Grid, Enterprise, Industrial, Automotive, Bio-Medical and Consumer Wireless.

World Products is a leading provider for board level circuit protection products. They are the Exclusive North American Agent for WRG Industrial Relays, and Pilkor capacitors.
- Nexem Relays
- Thermally protected Varistors
- Metal Oxide Varistors
- Gas Discharge Tubes
- Spark Gap Protectors
- Thyristors

Leading provider of electronic components to automotive, industrial, wireless, power supply, surge suppression and telecommunications markets, based in Sonoma, California.
Products available in:
United States & Mexico