Kruvand Associates, Inc. - Mexico

Sales, Support & Operations

Based in Guadalajara, our Mexico operations managed by a team of experienced outside and inside sales professionals to meet the needs of our manufacturing and distribution clients.


Our assembly and distribution factories.

Central America

Our team also cover opportunities and partnerships throughout Central America.



Kruvand Associates

Aries 4058, Col. Juan Manuel Vallarta,
C.P. 45120, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico



Regional Operations

Mexico City

Cesar de Los Reyes


Luis Castellanos


Adan Romero

Mexico & Central America Sales Team

Félix Cabañas

Director of Latin America

Felix Joined Kruvand in 2011 and has 16 years of Experience in the Electronic Industry in Mexico with a background in Distribution.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Adan Romero

Account Manager

Adan joined Kruvand in 2013, prior to Kruvand spent 5 year at Avnet, as an AM.

Mexico / USA
Phone: 011-521-656-218-7338

Alejandro Gutierrez

Account Manager

Alejandro joined Kruvand in 2007. He has 15 years of experience in the industry in different areas (Contract Manufacturers, Human Resources, Purchasing, Sales).

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Barbara Real

Account Manager

Barbara is a valuable Technical Field Sales Representative based in the Guadalajara office and brings several years of experience in this market to the Kruvand team.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Cesar De los Reyes

Account Manager

Cesar joined Kruvand in 2014, prior to Kruvand spend 5 years at Arrow in Guadalajara, as an AM.

Phone: 011-52-55-6295-5310

Juan Carlos Riquer

Account Manager

Juan Carlos has over 18 years of experience in technical sales, he joined Kruvand in 2011.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Luis Castellanos

Account Manager

Luis brings to the Team over 16 years experience in the Electronic Industry an has spent over 11 years with Kruvand.

Phone: 011-521-811-155-8425

Luis Coronado

Account Manager

Luis Join Kruvand 2015, has experience in sales, customer service, Manufacturing operations.

Phone: 011-52-33-15-34-8880

Samantha Haro

Inside Sales

Samantha Haro has been in the Manufacturing segment for 3 years and has entered the Electronic segment for 1 year since she joined Kruvand in 2018.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Sylvia Treviño

Account Manager

Sylvia joined Kruvand in 2021 with more than 23 years of experience in the electronic industry in Mexico with a Distribution and Passive background.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Inside Sales & Support

Ana Luisa Camacho Cota

Inside Sales Manager

Ana joined Kruvand in 2005. She has 17 years of experience in the electronics industry (Contract manufacturer, Independent Sales Disty and Manufacturer Rep).

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Ietzy Moreno

Inside Sales

Ietzy joined Kruvand in 2014. She has 15 years of experience in Purchasing / Sales (Electronic industry).

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Jessica Nuñez

Inside Sales

Jessica is a Technical Field Sales Representative based in our Juarez/El Paso office, she brings automotive and datacom experience to Kruvand team.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Joselyn Brito

Inside Sales

Joselyn joined Kruvand in 2015. She has 6 years of experience in the electronics industry (Program Management, Customer Service & Inside Sales).

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Martha Maginniss

Inside Sales

Martha joined Kruvand on 2003 and she has over 15 year of experience.

Phone: 011-52-33-3671-4159

Natalia Espinoza

Inside Sales

Natalia Espinoza brings with her over 14 years of experience in the Electronic Industry in Mexico working with Passive and Electromechanical manufacturers joining the Kruvand Team in 2017.

Phone: 972-437-3355

Connect with Us

At Kruvand Associates, we stay engaged with our industries, clients, distributors and manufacturers. We actively participate in our trade associations and stay connected with new product information through your choice of social outlets


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